Just for Artists - Check Back Often

Check here for information posted by Amy, Sue and Lauren about our artist socials, workshop events and calls to artists.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Launching Today: Bleeding Hearts Photo Contest

How can you combine art, Friday the 13th and the annual celebration of Love? The Bleeding Hearts Photo Contest of course!

Photographers, send us your Bleeding Hearts Photos by Friday, February 6
to be considered for inclusion. There is a $10 contest fee. The photos should reflect the Bleeding Hearts theme in some manner, to be determined by the photographer.

Contest Photos will be on display on HeartlandArts.Net and at various location on the Carbondale Town Square starting February 13th, 2009. There will be two votes and two winners: a popular vote and a juried vote.

Everyone can vote online for the popular vote at HeartlandArts.Net starting February 13th, 2009. The juried vote will be cast by a panel of judges. Judges include Chuck Novara, Photo Editor at The Southern.com, Professional Photographer Keith Cotton, and SIUC Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Cinema and Photography, Scott Kemmerer.

Winners will be announced February 20. Winners get a solo show at the First Friday events to be held in Alto Pass in April, participation in the show and coverage in The Southern and online. See official rules here for more information.

Enter Now

To enter your photos for consideration in the contest:

1. Read the contest rules here.
2. Email your photos, up to 3 (the ones you will enter in the contest that are ready to hang) to heartlandartsnet@gmail.com. Please include: your name, address (city, state, zip), phone number, and up to 150 words about your photos or yourself.
3. Pay the $10 contest fee:

By submitting your photos and paying the contest fee, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the rules of the contest and agree to abide by and consent to the rules.

In other news: don't miss The Studio

We have set up our own online art community for artists, galleries, art lovers, businesses, and anyone else interested in participating in the regional art community. Click here to go to the community, called the Studio. It's FREE, and you get your own blog, you can post pictures, video and events, participate in group discussions, and more. Don't have a website? Now you can have an online presence! Already have a website? Link to it from your community homepage. It's visible to all, but you must be approved to participate as a member. So sign up today, and as soon as your identity is confirmed you'll be free to go!